This is an invitation-only event.
So far, the societal objectives and indicators tied up with economic growth, gross domestic product (GDP) in particular, have framed our ways of responding to the deepening sustainability crisis. There is a widely shared need for redefining progress through measures that go beyond GDP.
This knowledge co-creation conference aims to advance the ongoing discussions on developing measures of wellbeing and sustainability and improving their use in integrated policy processes. This multi-stakeholder gathering builds upon the processes of the OECD and the search for pathways and indicators initiated by EU member states (e.g. Austria with Growth in Transition initiative) and the European Parliament (Post-Growth conference 2018). As part of the event, thematic working groups discuss and develop recommendations for the EU to advance the use of wellbeing and sustainability indicators as guides for policy-making.
Sitra is the theme partner in the Transition to Carbon Neutral Circular Economy working group. The event is organized by Finnish Development NGOs – Fingo together with Finland’s National Commission on Sustainable Development.
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