Competitive European mechanical industry

Competitive European mechanical industry

Seminaarissa julkaistu Teknologiateollisuus ry:n ja Sitran tilaama ETLAn tekemä tutkimus osoittaa, että Suomen koneteollisuusyrityksillä on edelleen hyvät mahdollisuudet menestyä samalla tavoin kuin esimerkiksi Saksan, Itävallan tai Ruotsin koneteollisuusyrityksillä.

Value chains in industrial production have broken up into parts that relocate according to company- and country-specific competitive and relative advantages. At the same time, conventional competitive factors are changing.  

A survey by the Research Institute of the Finnish Economy (ETLA), ordered by Sitra and the Federation of Finnish Technology Industries and published at the seminar, shows that the Finnish mechanical industry still possesses the ability to find success that could rival the German, Austrian or Swedish mechanical industries.

What are the keys to the success of Finnish and European mechanical industry in the new world order?


Opening speech
Mikko Kosonen, President, Sitra

Sitra’s Growth Programme for the Mechanical Industry 2008–2011 (in Finnish)
Mauri Heikintalo, Director, Sitra

Tomorrow’s Technology Industries (in Finnish)
Jorma Turunen, Director General, Federation of Finnish Technology Industries

From Global to Fragmented:
A Competitiveness Outlook for 2012 and Beyond (in English)
Stéphane Garelli, Professor, IMD

Who Benefits from the Value Chain – Mechanical Industry and Global Competition (in Finnish)
Pekka Ylä-Anttila, Research Director of the Research Institute of the Finnish Economy ETLA and Managing Director of Etlatieto

Comments and discussion

Aaro Cantell, Chairman of the Board, Normet Oy
Pasi Poranen, Managing Director, Mesera Corporation
Jorma Turunen, Director General, Federation of Finnish Technology Industries
Päivi Leiwo, Chairman of the Board, Oilon Oy
Mauri Heikintalo, Director, Sitra

Mikko Kosonen