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Restoring Europe’s agriculture soils


European agriculture is losing soil health and fertility, with significant costs to farmers and society. It is possible to turn this around and restore soil health through regenerative agricultural practices which provide benefits to farmers, consumers and the environment.

SYSTEMIQ and Soil Capital are building a “Soil Restoration Accelerator” that brings together EU farmers, food buyers and funders to improve soil health across the EU. This session will introduce the objectives of the accelerator and invite the participants to contribute to its design and implementation.

The event will open with a presentation by SYSTEMIQ and Soil Capital on the business case for regenerative agriculture. This will be followed by an interactive discussion and co-creation session.

See the detailed programme.

SYSTEMIQ, Soil Capital, SDSN and Sitra

Jaap Strengers,, +49 172 2704 908

Date and time: Monday 3 June: 14.30-16.00

Venue: Veranda 3, Finlandia Hall

How to register:
Please note that all side sessions are exclusively for WCEF2019 participants.

Deadline for registration: 30 May 2019

More information: on the organisers is available at and

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