VALO EHDS2 Competence Forum
Invitation only

VALO EHDS2 Competence Forum

A Nordic Competence Forum preparing for the implementation of the upcoming European Health Data Space (EHDS) will take place in Helsinki in September.

The Nordic EHDS2 Competence Forum facilitates the secondary use of health data, such research, innovation and policymaking. The Forum is aimed for representatives of related ministries and authorities. The participants will discuss the best practices for implementing the EHDS (European Health Data Space) legislation and coordinate the national preparatory actions.


The EHDS regulation will soon enter into force and member states must prepare for the secondary use of health data, and as part of that, establish a national Health Data Access Body. In the EHDS2 Competence Forum, the representatives of the Nordic countries can jointly prepare for the secondary use of health data according to the European Health Data Space regulation.

The main objective of the forum is that authorities responsible for the implementation of the EHDS will get to know each other and gain added value to their work through cooperation and peer support. Another objective is to support the Nordic countries to reach harmonised perspectives on the EHDS implementation.

For whom?

The Nordic EHDS2 Competence Forum is aimed at experts of Ministry of Health and other relevant ministries working with EHDS and the secondary use of health data, governmental authorities and agencies that already have, or may in the future have, the functions and responsibilities of an HDAB, and other relevant authorities, such as data protection authorities.


The EHDS2 Competence Forum will be held on 26 September 2024 at Clarion Hotel in Helsinki.

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