Have you got a practical solution to climate change that can also benefit municipalities? Your solution can be a new or as yet unestablished practice, business concept or technology for slowing the effects of climate change. Enter your solution into our international competition that will award the winners with publicity, customer contacts, and assistance in marketing. Competition entries should be submitted by 30 September 2010 at www.solutions2011.fi/contest.
The competition is organised by the national local government associations of Finland, Sweden and Norway and the Nordic Council of Ministers. The partners of the competition are Sitra (the Finnish Innovation Fund), Tekes (the Finnish Funding Agency for Technology and Innovation), Motiva (Specialist in Energy and Material Efficiency), NEFCO (Nordic Environment Finance Corporation), NIB (Nordic Investment Bank), NICe (Nordic Innovation Centre), the Finnish Ministry of Employment and the Economy, the Finnish Ministry of the Environment and the Association of Estonian Cities.
Further information on the competition
Competition brochure (pdf file) »
Jonas Rorarius, Association of Finnish Local and Regional Authorities
Tel. +358 (0)9 771 2368, firstname.lastname@kuntaliitto.fi
Maija Hakanen, Association of Finnish Local and Regional Authorities
Tel. +358 (0)9 771 2106, firstname.lastname@kuntaliitto.fi