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European Business Awards for the Environment 2008 – the closing date is arriving

The proposals must be submitted no later than 10 September 2007.


The European Business Awards for the Environment, the competition for the environmental sector organised biennially] by the European Union, is under way. Since 1987, the competition has sought enterprises pioneering in environmentally friendly policies, products and processes. The competition brings to the fore enterprises whose business activities promote the principles of sustainable development.

Finnish companies have fared well in the competition over the years. For example, in 2006, YIT Construction Services shared first prize in its category, and Fortum Power and Heat was third in its category.

Now is the time for new proposals – the proposals must be submitted no later than 10 September 2007.

The Cleantech Finland® national competition

The competition for the European Business Awards for the Environment takes place in two phases. The national competitions in the Member States and Accession Countries underpin the European Business Awards for the Environment. After the national competitions, each country sends their best proposals to the international competition organised by the EU’s Environment Directorate General.

The Cleantech Finland national competition is coordinated by Sitra’s Environmental Programme. From the beginning of 2008, the Association of Environmental Enterprises will take over the competition coordination. The proposals will be evaluated by a jury, with representatives from the following organisations: the Confederation of Finnish Industries, Finpro, the national environmental technology cluster, Sitra, the Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE), Tekes, Helsinki University of Technology, the Technical Research Centre of Finland (VTT), the Association of Environmental Enterprises, the Finnish Water and Waste Water Works Association, and as a corporate representative, Helsinki Metropolitan Area Council.

There are four competition categories: management, products, process and international cooperation. The competition is open to all Finnish enterprises. There will be three winners in each category.

The timetable and competition forms

  • Finnish competition proposals are to be submitted to Sitra no later than 10 September 2007
  • The Finnish jury will evaluate the proposals in September-October and select those to be sent on to the EU competition
  • The awards ceremony of the national competition will be held on 7 November 2007
  • In January-March 2008, the EU jury will evaluate the proposals of the international competition
  • The award ceremonies for the European Business Awards for the Environment will take place in Brussels in June 2008.

Sitra invites all to join and show the world the high standard of Finnish environmental enterprises!

Futher information

Riina Loukola, Project Manager
Tel. + 358 9 6189 9468
More details on the competition rules and guidelines »
Information on the international competition »

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