Media release 23.2.2006
The jury for the European Commission’s European Business Awards for the Environment 2006 assembled in Vienna 21 and 22 February 2006. 12 European companies have been selected as nominees and will be competing for recognition as the “Best in Europe”. The winners will be presented in June during the European Commission’s Green Week.
“Today the European Business Awards for the Environment are more relevant than ever,” said Environment Commissioner Stavros Dimas. “Europe needs companies that invest in environmentfriendly innovation. They do not only contribute to winning the battle against climate change and protecting our biodiversity, but they also help make Europe more competitive. It is a simple win-win situation. My congratulations to the 12 finalists – they have made sustainable business models a reality and displayed extraordinary ingenuity.”
To be eligible for competition in the European Business Awards for the Environment, companies first have to succeed in the national award schemes which are organised throughout Europe every year. The Finnish national competition is coordinated by the Finnish National Fund for Research and Development – Sitra.
“Succeeding in the competition supports the export of Finnish environmental technology and know-how by highlighting Finnish expertise in the field. Two Finnish representatives among the twelve finalists is a great achievement,” said Jukka Noponen, Executive Director for Sitra’s Environmental Programme.
“This year’s competition had the most submissions ever, and the standard was high. Finnish companies did extremely well. The award has a clear impact on companies’ export activities, so I hope that succeeding in the competition will help Finnish companies gain increased international visibility,” says Hannu Penttilä, Executive Director, Helsinki Metropolitan Area Council.
Process Award
The Finnish company Fortum Power and Heat Oy has been selected as nominee in the Process Award category of the European Business Awards for the Environment 2006. In this category, companies are rewarded for the development and application of a new production technology that makes an outstanding contribution to sustainable development.
Fortum Power and Heat Oy is engaged in the awards competition with the project “Cleaner air through advanced burner design for large combustion plants”.
The jury’s rationale for selecting Fortum Power and Heat Oy as nominee for the Process award states:
“The jury emphasized that the process contributes directly to the alleviation of climate change. This (and similar) technologies can be used widely in facilities burning solid fuel (coal) in the EU and in other parts of the world. The jury acknowledged that the abatement of NOx emission as end of pipe technology, is expensive and that this project by preventing the generation of NOx delivers a cost effective process at source.”
International Co-operation Award
The Finnish company YIT Rakennus Oy has been selected as nominee in the International Co-operation Award category of the European Business Awards for the Environment 2006. In this category, companies are rewarded for the sharing of knowledge and technology in international cross-sector partnerships which contribute to sustainable growth in developing countries.
YIT Rakennus Oy is engaged in the awards competition with the project “South-West Wastewater Treatment Plant in St. Petersburg, Russia”.
The jury’s rationale for selecting YIT Rakennus Oy as nominee for the International Co-operation award states:
“The jury recognises extremely clear objectives: it has lead to reduced pollution in the Baltic sea. The initiative has lead to a project completed almost on time and below budget. The project provided employment and on the job training for the first public-private-partnership (PPP) in Russia. This is a project with major impact for the Baltic Sea and is an excellent example of the application of the PPP principle for project development.”
Press release in full (pdf) »
Attachement: Finalists and jurys rationales (pdf) »
The European Business Awards for the Environment is organised by the Directorate General for Environment of the European Commission.
Further information
Mr. Jukka Noponen, Executive Director, Sitra, Environmental Programme,
tel. +358 9 6189 9430
Ms. Laura Järvinen, Project Manager, Sitra, Environmental Programme,
tel. +358 9 6189 9407