Expert exchange between Finland and India strengthens
The first Sitra Fellowship scholarships were awarded to Indian postgraduate students and researchers who will be working in Finland. In the first round, scholarships were awarded to five distinguished applicants. The application period for Sitra Fellowship scholarships is still continuing, and the next application round will be processed during the summer. The remaining scholarships will be awarded in the autumn.
“The applications were of an extremely high standard. Unfortunately there were many good applicants to whom we could not award a scholarship this time, and in fact two outstanding applications were eventually awarded CIMO Fellowship scholarships,” said Vesa-Matti Lahti, Director of Sitra’s India Programme.
What is the Sitra Fellowship?
The purpose of the scholarships awarded under Sitra’s India Programme is to improve mobility between India and Finland and to support the internationalisation of research and education, and also to create contacts between Finnish and Indian universities and research institutions.
The scholarship is € 800–2,500/month, depending on the degree the applicant holds, and the fellowship period can vary from three to twelve months. The applications are submitted by representatives of Finnish university departments and research institutes, who wish to host the scholarship recipient and are committed to jointly agreed goals. The scholarships are awarded as personal scholarships, based on the host institute’s application, to an Indian student or researcher.
The Sitra Fellowship project is implemented by the Centre of International Mobility, CIMO.
The recipients of Sitra Fellowship scholarships:
Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies: Meher Rajkishor (Institute of the Indian Council of Social Research, ICSSR, Orissa), €7,500 for 1 September–31 December 2007.
Helsinki University of Technology Low Temperature Laboratory: Sarkar Jayanta (Indian Institute of Science), €7,200 for 7 May–30 September 2007.
Helsinki University of Technology, Signal Processing Laboratory/SMARAD: Chaudhari Sachin (ESQUBE Communication Solution Pvt Ltd, Bangalore), €13,600 for 1 August 2007–31 March 2008.
Turku Centre for Biotechnology: Raghav Sunil Kumar (Institute of Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering, ICGEB, Delhi), €16,000 for 1 August 2007–29 February 2008.
Åbo Akademi University Laboratory of Organic Chemistry: Ramasubramanian Rathna Durga (University of Madras), €21,000 for 1 June 2007–31 March 2008.
Further information
On Sitra Fellowship scholarships: Hannele Ahti, Programme Manager, CIMO,
CIMO Sitra Fellowships website »
Application forms »
On Sitra’s India Programme: Vesa-Matti Lahti, Research Manager, Director of Sitra’s India Programme,