Teppo Turkki (born 1958) has been appointed as the new Communications Director of Sitra. Turkki will start at Sitra on 1 December 2009, when Laura Niemi, the current communications director, will move to the United States as part of her study leave.
Turkki has diverse experience in various sectors of Finnish society. He is a well-known author and an influential media person who has worked as an expert in many different universities, institutes, and state administrations, both in Finland and abroad. In recent years, he has focused on the development of East Asia and worked as a visiting researcher at Waseda University in Tokyo (2003–2005). In 2004, Turkki was invited to work as a Research Fellow in the Center for Global Communications think tank of the International University of Japan. Turkki has also worked for the University of Art and Design Helsinki (2005-2008) and as an Executive Adviser for the executive management of Elisa Corporation (1998-2003). From 1996 to 1998, he was a member of Sitra’s Research Council.
”It is great that a visionary and opinion leader in communications like Teppo is joining the Sitra team. Communications has a key role in the planning and implementation of Sitra’s societal mission and strategy. Without diverse communications, it is impossible to carry out the comprehensive changes that we are looking for. Besides this, Teppo will bring a lot of in-depth Asia-related know-how to Sitra,” says Mikko Kosonen, President of Sitra.
Turkki has a master’s degree in sociology. He has previously studied psychology and neurophysiology at the University of Helsinki. In the early 1980s, Turkki was involved in establishing and being the chief editor of many cultural and opinion magazines. He also helped establish the Helsinki-based Radio City, one of the first local radio stations in Finland, in addition to acting as the station’s chief editor.
“I remember twenty years ago when I stood on the Berlin Wall at the Branderburg Gate, seeing how Europe was reborn. The Cold War, which had divided the world, and which was thought to be permanent, collapsed in front of my eyes as the wall was taken down. I consider Sitra a courageous organisation. It’s one of the most interesting and independent workplaces around, one which perceives Finnish society in a new way, where you can see future Berlin walls collapse. And since my own desire for knowledge, and my work all around the world has always dealt with finding new things and understanding change, starting work as a member of Sitra’s team and helping to build change is most inspiring,” says Turkki.