
Jyrki Kangas

Professor of Forest Bioeconomy, University of Eastern Finland

Jyrki Kangas is a forest expert whose research interests include strategy processes and natural resources management.

After managerial leadership, he is now a Professor of Forest Bioeconomy at the University of Eastern Finland. He worked as the Director General of Metsähallitus, a State forest enterprise governing the state-owned lands and waters in Finland, as well as Director of Forestry at UPM-Kymmene Ltd, a leading global forest-industry company, and as CEO of UPM’s daughter company Bonvesta. Kangas also worked in the research sector, e.g., as a Professor of Forest Planning at the Finnish Forest Research Institute. He is the chair of the Board of KoliForum and a docent of Forest Planning at the University of Helsinki. His other, varied positions of trust have been in the field of forests and their research, for which he has also been awarded.

Jyrki Kangas is moderating the following WCEF2017 sessions:

Tue 6 June at 11.00 : Forest-Based Bioeconomy and Climate Change Mitigation

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