
Outi Haanperä

Programme Director, Programmes


Outi Haanperä is the project director of Sitra’s Nature and the economy project, which is based on the premise that Finland can only succeed by taking ecological sustainability as a starting point in all decision-making. The team identifies and analyses climate and nature solutions, which also generate well-being for Finland. The team also provides information for supporting the implementation of an ambitious and strategic environmental policy in Finland.


Out is keen on exploring cost-effective ways to advance actions towards climate and nature positive society and the optimal role of the public sector in the transition. Outi also has solid experience in assessing the economic impacts of climate change, promoting resilience and in international climate policy.

Her previous roles cover both public and private sector, as well as research and international organisations. She has worked in Finland, Ecuador, Nicaragua, Indonesia and the United Kingdom, where she spent 12 years first completing her PhD and then working as an environmental economist in a London-based sustainability consultancy.

What else?

You can easily invite Outi out for a run, dance class or theatre play, particularly so if you remember that the debriefing is as important as the activity itself.
Outi believes that her first car will run on electricity – hopefully on clean one!