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PSLifestyle: Co-creating a Positive and Sustainable Lifestyle tool with and for European citizens

A newly-launched Horizon 2020 project is closing the gap between climate awareness and individual action.


Tuula Sjöstedt

Specialist, Sitra International Programmes


PSLifestyle aims to engage with and mobilise individuals in eight European countries to adopt positive, sustainable, and healthier lifestyles by helping them reduce their environmental impact. The project will develop an online tool to help individuals get informed about the environmental impact of their day-to-day lives as well as inspire them to think about their current habits and how they could be changed through smart everyday actions. The project bases on Sitra’s work on sustainable everyday life and our popular Lifestyle test which has already been made over 1,2 million times.

Through PSLifestyle Living Labs, individuals will engage with other locals to jointly develop and shape visions of a good life with the environment in mind. The Living Labs will be operated by the 16 consortium partners in Belgium, Finland, Estonia, Germany, Greece, Italy, Portugal, Slovenia and Turkey. The participants will contribute to further improving the PSLifestyle online tool, including the tool’s functions and even how it could look like, and become part of the European Ambassadors for Positive and Sustainable Lifestyles.

Read more: pslifestyle.eu/resource?t=PSLifestyle%20-%20Press%20Release%20on%20Launch

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