AI and Health care – Meet Google’s Principal Scientist Greg Corrado

AI and Health care – Meet Google’s Principal Scientist Greg Corrado

We are pleased to invite you to a breakfast event on the topic of AI and health care hosted by Sitra’s Digital Health Hub project and Google on 31 May at Sitra’s premises in Helsinki.

The main speaker will be Greg Corrado, the Principal Scientist from Google. Greg will give us a presentation focusing on artificial intelligence, health technology and medicine. He will share some of the latest breakthroughs of how machine learning can benefit health care and his experiences of how different countries, including the US, approach AI.

Greg Corrado is a senior researcher in artificial intelligence, computational neuroscience, and machine learning. He has published in fields ranging across behavioral economics, particle physics, systems neuroscience, and deep learning. At Google he served as one of the founding members of and co-lead of the Google Brain Project for large scale deep neural networks. Before coming to Google, he worked at IBM Research on the SyNAPSE neuromorphic silicon chip. He did his graduate work in Neuroscience and Computer Science at Stanford University, and his undergraduate in Physics at Princeton University.

After Greg’s presentation the audience will have a chance to discuss the current issues concerning AI and it’s benefits for the health care.

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