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The future lies in carbon-neutral business

Companies now have a simple way to help them start their journey towards a carbon-neutral future. Sitra has assembled an easy-to-use toolkit.


Tuula Sjöstedt

Specialist, Sitra International Programmes


Companies now have a simple way to help them start their journey towards a carbon-neutral future. Sitra has assembled an easy-to-use toolkit that can help firms reduce their carbon emissions. It provides methods for adapting to future challenges while at the same time promoting competitiveness and creating growth.

According to a market analysis commissioned by Sitra, carbon neutrality will create markets worth 6 trillion euros for smart and clean solutions by 2050. The most successful enterprises in the future will be those that orient their business towards carbon neutrality and are at the forefront of development. Finnish companies that act rapidly have the chance to become some of the world’s leading providers of more sustainable solutions.

In order to become carbon-neutral, the most essential thing is to find business that is based on cleaner long-term solutions. Building and growing new business based on carbon-neutral solutions is possible only if carbon neutrality plays a central role in the company’s strategy and is inherent to the company’s values and management practices. This requires a company’s own operations to be compatible with the principles of emission efficiency.

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Has your company woken up to the need to change?

There are many paths to carbon neutrality. By maximising their potential in all areas of business, a company can undergo a comprehensive transformation. To make this transformation possible, Sitra has produced a unique toolkit for companies. From the perspective of carbon neutrality, it covers all the areas of business activity: strategy, company management, new business activities and emission efficiency.

The toolkit provides companies with comprehensive and novel perspectives on the benefits of carbon neutrality. It covers ideas, models and examples of good practice with which many companies have already built successful solutions. Sitra has assembled, in one package, material that is related to carbon neutrality in a variety of ways and which helps companies:

  1. to understand the comprehensiveness of the transformation;
  2. to examine their own baseline situations; and
  3. to create plans on how to proceed.

Sitra’s toolkit does not offer ready-made solutions: it helps a company to find its own answers arising from its own needs. The easy-to-use package can be employed as a workbook, as training material or to stimulate development work. The toolkit contains important notes concerning future market potential, information that is relevant to company management, strategy developers and to those responsible for the development of the business. It also provides practical tools for people responsible for a company’s risk management.

Download the toolkit (PDF format, in Finnish only) to your own computer or view it directly on our website. When you open the PDF version in Adobe Acrobat, you will be able to navigate by clicking on the content and sections you want to read more about. You can also move forwards and backwards using the arrow buttons if you wish to read the entire document.

The toolkit is free to use and can be freely distributed.

How will the contents of the toolkit benefit your company?

We have interviewed nine companies, which are already on the road towards carbon neutrality. We will be publishing their stories throughout the summer on our website. We hope that you will be inspired by the examples and will find your own path to carbon neutrality!


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