
Michikazu Kojima

Senior Economist, Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA)

Michikazu Kojima knows environmental policies, waste management, recycling and international trade of recyclables.

Senior Economist at ERIA, he is also one of the editors of International Trade in Recyclable and Hazardous Waste in Asia. He also published Recycling and World Economy (Japanese book). Before joining ERIA, he had been a chief senior researcher at Institute of Developing Economies in JETRO (IDE-JETRO) in Japan. He has also contributed in the field of international cooperation as a member of Expert Working Group of Environmentally Sound Management under the Basel Convention, a member of Technical Expert Committee for Green Industry Platform by UNIDO, and the course leader on JICA training courses on recycling policy.

Michikazu Kojima is speaking at the following WCEF2018 session:

Tue 23 October at 11:00 : Circularity in Global Value Chains

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