The Synergise Finland forum is all about finding the sources of Finland’s vitality. The first forum considered the essence of New Work. The next forum asks what is New Democracy?


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Synergic solutions for the challenges of today

The word ’synergy’ implies energy, interaction, dynamics and the interest in new ideas. Synergy is created when people get active, creative, proactive and enthusiastic. Sitra’s Synergise Finland development programme looks for solutions to today’s challenges from these perspectives. The first forum was held in spring 2011, focusing on the concept of new work. The second forum, launched in autumn 2011, is tackling the issue of New Democracy.

Sitra believes that cooperation across traditional social borders, discussion and active work towards common goals promote and renew Finland’s powers of synergy. The Synergise Finland development programme brings together people who look at issues from very different viewpoints; this is a good starting point for finding tangible solutions and feasible ideas. The programme is a combination of a brainstorming workshop and practical work.

Each forum involves 20–30 participants, who are invited but also selected through an open application process.

Forum I – the essence of new work

The 23 participants in the first Synergise Finland forum, in spring 2011, considered the challenges posed by changes to the concept of work. The participants also had to find ways to put their ideas concerning new work into practice.

The subject was considered from three viewpoints. The group discussed the challenges of work that are completely new to our society, the tools that help young people to find their path in today’s working life, and more efficient ways to bring together immigrants and new work. The insights that were discovered can be summarised as follows:

Whole new work and information work: new work is all about networking

Read more about the experiments and ideas carried out under this theme in autumn 2011

 New work and the young: support, information and tools for finding your identity

Read more about the experiments and ideas carried out under this theme in autumn 2011 

Immigrants and new work: meaningful work for all who live in Finland

Read more about the experiments and ideas carried out under this theme in autumn 2011

 The essence of new work

This is how the first Synergise Finland forum sees new work:


Forum II unravels new democracy

The second forum, launched in autumn 2011, is discovering the meaning of new democracy and discussing ways to make Finland a pioneer of participation and true democracy.

The live content stream on this page reports on the work of the Synergise Finland forum as well as the discussion and background materials concerning new work. You are also welcome to join in with the work on Facebook on the Synergise Finland (Elinvoima) pages.

In November, the participants of the New democracy forum will blog on what they believe new democracy means and what its biggest challenges are.



Contact us

Elina Kiiski Kataja
Senior Lead, Innovations
Specialist, Communications and Public Affairs

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