Our project created solutions, drew up fair rules and built a bridge for the cross-border use of health data in Europe, and supported the competitiveness of the Finnish health sector. he project was implemented in 2020–2023, but our work on health data will continue with TEHDAS 2 and the preparation of a new project.

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Sitra pilot project: a new way to streamline access to follow-up data on new medicines

Results of the work

Sitra boosts health sector development in Europe – harnessing data for quality healthcare

Health innovation ecosystems need top research, professionals, technology and data.

Health sector drivers found in collaborative networks using data with fair rules


New methods can make drug trials easier, but problems remain


Digital health apps make everyday life smoother, but savings come later


Sitra has been appointed to lead a project of 29 European countries to boost the use of health data


Better products, services and insight – data-sharing networks reap rewards of collaboration


Sitra survey: plenty of trust but funding and business expertise needed – impetus from data for joint innovation


Interdependence between the state of the environment and human well-being should guide policy-making


The use of European health data revolutionised through extensive cooperation


Patients using a self-monitoring app are more open and can better remember to report how they are doing

Leena Karjalainen with a bike

Do I really need this snack?

Tarja Viitanen sits on the lawn, with a building and trees in the background. On top is a sticker that says digital therapeutics.s.

The most devilish addiction possible

The trials of the Onnikka weight management app was tested in Central Finland.

Four per cent weight loss by using a mobile app

Ulla Koskinen holding a bunch of celeries.

A stick of celery in the morning takes the hunger away

The doctor and patient look at the health app on their phone. The nurse pulls on her gloves.

Digital healthcare apps make everyday life easier and curb costs – patients and healthcare professionals want more tools for managing medical conditions



The state of development of data ecosystems and networks survey


Use of health data in RDI activities

Maapallo joka koostuu nollista ja ykkösistä, varpuja sen ympärillä, metsämaaston päällä. Vieressä hyppäävä ihminen, sieni ja robotti, joka sanoo "Terv...!"

Planetary health


Preparation of decentralised drug trials


Data economy tools in health sector ecosystems


Pilot projects: Digital therapeutic experiments


Joint action Towards the European Health Data Space – TEHDAS

What is it about?

Tackling the complex problems of a rapidly changing world requires increasingly versatile co-operation. For example, the covid-19 crisis highlighted the importance of European cooperation and data sharing. Trust in the use of data between countries requires transparency, functional frameworks and joint regulation.

The European Health Data Space as outlined in the EU data strategy promotes the development of health systems, and the availability, efficiency and sustainability of services. Research and innovation also benefit from improved access to data.

We must create common rules, operating models and solutions for the cross-border use of health data Health data Health data is ‘data concerning health’ means personal data related to the physical or mental health of a person, including the provision of health care services, which reveal information about his or her health status. Open term page Health data that respect people’s right to privacy. The Health data 2030 project implemented the strategic objectives of the Fair data economy theme, launched in January 2021, from the perspective of the use of health data.

Finland is a pioneer in the use of health data in the EU. One objective of the project is to ensure that Finnish companies benefit from digitalisation developments and the data economy and that we can seize the opportunities of the growing EU internal market.

The Health data 2030 project continued our previous projects for boosting data economy: Isaacus project prepared the rules for secondary use of health information Secondary use of health and social data The secondary use of health and social data means that the customer and register data created during health and social service sector activities will be used for purposes other than the primary reason for which they were originally saved. The secondary uses referred to in the Act in Finland include: scientific research, statistics, development and innovation activities, steering and supervision of authorities, planning and reporting duties by authorities, teaching, knowledge management. Open term page Secondary use of health and social data in Finland. Now Findata, grants permits for the secondary use of data, improves data security and promotes the data protection of citizens. The IHAN project paved the way for a fair data economy Fair data economy The part of the economy that focuses on creating services and data-based products in an ethical manner. Fairness means that the rights of individuals are protected and the needs of all stakeholders are taken into account in a data economy. Open term page Fair data economy and developed practical tools, such as the rulebook, and rules for companies and other organisations using data. In the future, individuals’ own data MyData The term MyData refers to: 1) a new approach, a paradigm shift in personal data management and processing that seeks to transform the current organisation-centric system to a human-centric system; 2) personal data as a resource that the individual can access and control. Personal data that is not under the respective individual’s own control cannot be called MyData. Open term page MyData will be an important addition as we move towards individual-oriented healthcare and welfare services.

What did we do?

First, the focus was on creating a snapshot with stakeholders, through interviews, workshops and surveys. We wanted to promote the use of health data with ambition in Finland. Building on the snapshot, we will launched trial projects to drive change. We also created a long-term vision that challenges our society to reform.

Finland is part of the EU common market. However, we will not be able to take full advantage of the benefits of the data economy if the EU is not competitive. We are co-ordinating the EU’s Joint Action Towards the European Health Data Space (TEHDAS) to create common rules for the secondary use of health data.

By being involved at the heart of development, we made a favourable contribution to the rules and boosted the competitiveness of Finnish companies.

In the development of digitalisation and the data economy, we must ensure that individual rights are fulfilled and people become empowered to use their own data.

The aim of the project was to ensure Finland’s active role in sustainable digitalisation development. Sustainable digitalisation is associated with the development of a European single market for data as defined in the European data strategy and the ethical use of artificial intelligence as a driver of data-based services.

Where are we at?

The project was launched in autumn 2020 and finish in October 2023.

In the early phase of the project, we published a series of working papers in order to clarify the situation in this field. These working papers covered issues such as the opportunities offered by data-driven ecosystems, digital therapies, new ways of conducting medical trials and the measures required for growth and competitiveness in the health sector. A vision, 10 recommendations and a governance model were developed to speed up growth of the entire health sector. The publications provide resources for healthcare decision-makers, implementors and developers. The working papers are available mainly in Finnish including a summary in English.

We launched three funding calls based on the studies and selected 13 pilot projects for implementation. Six of the pilots focused on experimenting with digital therapies as part of everyday healthcare. Healthcare professionals value the up-to-date information the apps provide. Both professionals and patients value their ease of use and results for example in losing weight. Some of the welfare regions decided to continue using the applications in Finland.

Four projects promoted the use of data economy tools, such as Sitra’s Rulebook for a fair data economy in health sector ecosystems. Three supported the preparation of decentralised drug trials.

Alongside the public funding calls, we have launched selected projects following discussions with stakeholders.

We are participated in the development of EU health policy and promoted the creation of a European health data space in the framework of the 25-country TEHDAS Joint Action project. This produced recommendations for the European Commission and member states to enable the cross-border use and quality assurance of health data, among other things. Recommendations were also made on the technical services required for the EU-wide secondary use of health data. The aim is to ensure that data collected in EU countries can be combined and used securely for research, innovation and decision-making. The successful implementation of the TEHDAS project led to Sitra’s involvement in a follow-up EU project on the implementation of health-related legislation.

Human well-being and the state of the environment are closely interdependent. The concept of planetary health or One Health is now being used. We aimed to identify the concrete actions that the European Commission and member states had planned to promote planetary health. We also aimed to raise awareness of the issue and identify and disseminate good practices across sectors.

After this project, our work on health data will continue with a new focus. Preparations for TEHDAS 2 and the new project are ongoing.

Who were involved?

European well-being is being built in co-operation with a wide range of international stakeholders. In addition to the public and third sectors, the project involved businesses and research and development organisations from Finland and other European countries, and more than 400 patients in the pilot projects.

Sitra led National Initiatives Network ws also included.



Real-world data and evidence from new medicines


Development phase of data-driven ecosystems and networks 2023


The planet and us (summary)


Planetary health


Is the European Health Union ready for the challenges of the 21st century?


Advancing data sharing to improve health for all in Europe


Towards planetary health (summary)


The Finnish health sector growth and competitiveness vision 2030


Powering the social health and social care system with data (summary)


How can digital therapeutics help Europe?


Future opportunities and challenges for data-driven ecosystems in the health sector (summary)


Map of Europe and text TEHDAS Stakeholder forum

TEHDAS Stakeholder forum 2023

Wednesday, Jun 14
Health innovation ecosystems need top research, professionals, technology and data.

Reverse pitching: Health data and health tech solutions

Thursday, Mar 16

Radical Health Festival Helsinki 2023

Monday – Wednesday, Jun 12 – Jun 14
Workshop 7 text surrounded by doctors and nurses, a robot, and post-it stickers.botti, ja post-it lappuja.

Competitiveness of Finnish health sector – towards vision 2030

Monday – Tuesday, Nov 14 – Nov 15

Advancing the secondary use of health data – insights across Europe and globally

Monday, Nov 28
Viitteellinen kuva artikkelista

TEHDAS Event: First reactions to the EHDS proposal

Monday, May 09
An arm with four different kind of watches. A thumb is up.

HIMSS Global Health Conference & Exhibition 2022

Monday – Friday, Mar 14 – Mar 18
Image of hands holding an iPad with the map of Europe and a text TEHDAS Stakeholder forum.

TEHDAS Stakeholder forum 2022

Helsinki, Tuesday, Jun 14
Person is holding an ipad that has a the HIMSS22 Europe event page on it.

2022 HIMSS European Health Conference & Exhibition

Tuesday – Thursday, Jun 14 – Jun 16

Open workshop series: Fair and sustainable competitiveness of the health sector

Friday, Oct 15
Picture with text Workshop 3 and doctors, nurses, a robot and sticker notes in the background.

Examining emerging fair data economy business models in health data ecosystems

Wednesday, Jan 26
A map of Europe and a logo of TEHDAS project, with text Towards the European Health Data Space.

TEHDAS Stakeholder forum 2021

Wednesday, Oct 27

Portugal eHealth Summit: European Health Data Space – new opportunities for data in health

Tuesday – Wednesday, Jun 01 – Jun 02
An arm with four different kind of watches. A thumb is up.

HIMSS Global Health Conference: Fair and trust-based flow of health data in Europe

Monday – Friday, Aug 09 – Aug 13
Data from fitness trackers and stetoscope.

HIMSS21 & Health 2.0 – European Health Conference

Monday – Wednesday, Jun 07 – Jun 09
An arm with four different kind of watches. A thumb is up.

Trusted! Quest for data-driven and fair health solutions 

Wednesday, Feb 03

Contact us

Markus Kalliola
Programme Director, Sitra International Programmes
Elina Drakvik
Senior Lead, Sitra International Programmes
Petri Lehto
Senior Lead, Innovations
Saara Malkamäki
Specialist, Sitra International Programmes
Tapani Piha
Marja Pirttivaara
Senior Lead, Sitra International Programmes
Maria Nurmi
Senior Lead, Communications and Public Affairs
Kirsi Suomalainen
Specialist, Communications and Public Affairs
Johannes Ahlqvist
Henna Keränen

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