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Näkökulmia taiteen ja kulttuurin terveysvaikutuksiin – lähdeluettelo


1. Terveyttä edistävät ja hoitavat vaikutukset

  • Beck, R.J., Cesario, T.C., Yousefi, A. & Enamoto, H. (2000). Choral singing, Performance Perception, and Immune System Changes in Salivary Immunoglobulin A and Cortisol. Music Perception. Vol. 18, No. 1, s. 87-106.
  • Berbel, P., Moix J. & Quintana S. (2007). Music versus diazepam to reduce preoperative anxiety: a randomized controlled clinical trial. Rev Esp Anestesiol Reanim. Vol. 54, No. 6, s. 355– 8.
  • Bonilha, A.G., Onofre, F., Vieira, M.L., Almeida Prado, M.Y. & Martinez, J.A.B. (2009). Effects of singing classes on pulmonary function and quality of life of COPD patients. International Journal of COPD. No.4, s. 1-8.
  • Eeckelaar C., Camic P. & Springham, N. (2012). Art galleries, episodic memory and verbal fluency in dementia: an exploratory study. Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity and the Arts. Vol. 6, No. 3, s. 262-272.
  • Fancourt, D. (2017). Arts in Health: Designing and Researching Interventions. Oxford University Press. Oxford.
  • Hackney, M.E. & Earhart, G.M. (2010). Effects of dance on balance and gait in severe Parkinson disease: A case study. Disability and Rehabilitation. Vol.32, No. 8, s. 679-684.
  • Houston, S. & Mcgill, S. (2013). A mixed-method study into ballet for people living with Parkinson’s. Arts and Health. Vol. 5, No. 2, s. 103-119.
  • Kenny, D.T. & Faunce, G. (2004). The Impact of Group Singing on Mood, Coping, and Perceived Pain in Chronic Pain Patients Attending a Multidisciplinary Pain Clinic. Journal of Music Therapy. Vol. 41, No. 3, s. 241-258.
  • Kreutz, G., Bongard, S., Rohrmann, S., Hodapp, V. & Grebe, D. (2004). Effects of Choir Singing or Listening on Sectorary Immunoglobulin A, Cortisol, and Emotional State. Journal of Behavioral Medicine. Vol.27, No. 6, s. 623–635.
  • Lord, V.M., Cave, P., Hume, V.J., Flude, E.J., Evans, A., Kelly, J.L., Polkey, M.I. & Hopkinson, N.S. (2010). Singing teaching as a therapy for chronic respiratory disease – a randomized controlled trial and qualitative evaluation. BMC Pulmonary Medicine. Vol. 10, No. 41. s. 1-7.
  • Staricoff, R.L. (2004). Arts in health: a review of the medical literature. Arts Council England. Research report 36. London. Evidence/Arts_in_health-_a_review_of_the_medical_literature.pdf
  • Staricoff, R.L. & Clift, S. (2011). Arts and Music in Healthcare: An overview of the medical literature: 2004-2011. Sidney De Haan, Research Centre for Arts and Health.
  • Vaajoki A., (2016). Postoperative Pain in Adult Gastroenterological Patients – Music Intervention in Pain Alleviation. University of Eastern Finland. Dissertation in Health Sciences 138.
  • Young, R., Camic, P. & Tischler, V. (2016). The impact of community-based arts and health interventions on cognition in people with dementia: a systematic literature review. Aging & Mental Health. Vol. 20, No. 4, s. 337-351.

Nosto: ”Miten musiikki voi tukea aivoterveyttä?…”

  • Särkämö, T., Tervaniemi, M., Laitinen, S., Forsblom, A., Soinila, S., Mikkonen, M., Autti, T., Silvennoinen, H., Erkkilä, J., Laine, M., Peretz, I. & Hietanen, M. (2008) Music listening enhances cognitive recovery and mood after middle celebral artery stroke. Brain, 131, s. 866-876.
  • Särkämö, T. & Huotilainen, M. (2012) Musiikkia aivoille läpi elämän. Suomen lääkärilehti. Vol. 67, No. 17, s. 1334-1339.
  • Sihvonen, A., Leo, V., Särkämö, T. & Soinila, S. (2014) Musiikin vaikuttavuus aivojen kuntoutuksessa. Lääketieteellinen Aikakauskirja Duo-decim. Vol. 130, No. 18, s. 1852–1860.
  • Särkämö, T., Tervaniemi, M., Laitinen, S., Numminen, A., Kurki, M. Johnson, J.K. & Rantanen, P. (2014) Cognitive, Emotional, and Social Benefits of Regular Musical Activities in Early Dementia: Randomizad Controlled Study. The Gerontologist. Vol. 54, No. 4, s. 634-650.

2. Kansanterveys

  • Bygren, L.O., Johansson, S-E, Konlaan B.B., Grjibovski, A.M., Wilkinson, A.V. & Sjöström, M. (2009). Attending cultural events and cancer mortality: A Swedish cohort study. Arts & Health. Vol. 1, No.1, s. 64-73.
  • Bygren, L., Konlaan, B. & Johansson, S. (1996). Attendance at cultural events, reading books or periodicals, and making music or singing in a choir as determinants for survival: Swedish interview survey of living conditions. British Medical Journal. No. 313, s. 1577-1580.
  • Cuypers , K., Knudtsen, M. , Sandgren, M. ,Krokstad, S. , Wikström B. & Theorell, T. (2011). Cultural activities and public health: research in Norway and Sweden. An overview. Arts & Health. Vol. 3, No. 1, s. 6-26.
  • Gordon-Nesbitt, R. (2015). Exploring the Longitudinal Relationship Between Arts Engagement and Health. Manchester Metropolitan University. Manchester.
  • Hyyppä, M., Mäki, J., Impivaara, O. & Aromaa, A. (2006). Leisure participation predicts survival: a population-based study in Finland. Health Promotion International. Vol. 21, No.1, s. 5-12.
  • Johansson, S.E., Konlaan B.B. & Bygren L.O. (2001). Sustaining habits of attending cultural events and maintenance of health: a longitudinal study. Health Promot Int. Vol. 16 No. 3, s. 229-34.
  • Konlaan, B.B., Bygren, L. & Johansson, S-E (2000). Visiting the cinema, concerts, museums or art exhibitions as determinant of survival: a Swedish fourteen-year cohort follow-up. Scandinavian Journal of Public Health. Vol. 28, No.3, s.174–178.
  • Theorell, T. & Ullén, F. (2016). Epidemiological studies of the relationship between cultural experiences and public health. Teoksessa: Clift, S. & Camic, P. (toim.) Oxford Textbook of Creative Arts, Health, and Wellbeing. International perspectives on practice, policy, and research. Oxford University Press. Oxford. s. 55-63.
  • Väänänen, A., Murray, M., Koskinen, A., Vahtera, J., Kouvonen, A. & Kivimäki, M. (2009). Engagement in cultural activities and cause-specific mortality: prospective cohort study. Prev Med. Vol. 49, No. 23, s. 142–7.
  • Wang H.-X., Karp, A., Winblad, B. & Fratiglioni, L. (2002). Late- life engagement in social and leisure activities is associated with a decreased risk of dementia: a longitudinal study from the Kungsholmen project. Am J Epidemiol. Vol. 155, No. 12, s. 1081– 7.

3. Koettu terveys ja elämänlaatu

Nosto: ”Taidetta reseptillä?…”

 4. Mielenterveys ja mielen hyvinvointi

  • Clift, S. & Hancox, G. (2010). The significance of choral singing for sustaining psychological wellbeing: findings from a survey of chorister in England, Australia and Germany. Music Performance Research. Vol. 3, No. 1, s. 79-96.
  • Clift, S. & Morrison, I. (2011). ”Group singing fosters mental health and wellbeing: findings from the East Kent ’singing for health’ network project.” Mental Health and Social Inclusion. Vol. 15, No. 2, s. 88–97.
  • Fancourt, D., Perkins, R., Ascenso, S., Carvalho, L., Steptoe, A. & Williamon, A. (2016). Effects of Group Drumming Interventions on Anxiety, Depression, Social Resilience and Inflammatory Immune Response among Mental Health Service Users. PLoS ONE. Vol. 11, No. 3, s. 1-16.
  • Laitinen, L. (2017). Taide, taiteellinen toiminta ja mielenterveys. Teoksessa:
  • Lehikoinen, K. & Vanhanen, E. (toim.) Taide ja hyvinvointi. Katsauksia kansainväliseen tutkimukseen. Taideyliopisto, Kokos-julkaisusarja 1/2017.
  • Lawson, J., Reynolds, F., Bryant, W. & Wilson, L. (2014). ’It’s like having a day of freedom, a day off from being ill’: Exploring the experiences of people living with mental health problems who attend a community-based arts project, using interpretative phenomenological analysis. Journal of Health Psychology. Vol. 19, No. 6, s. 765-777.
  • Margrove, K., Heydinrych, K. & Secker, J. (2013). ”Waiting list-controlled evaluation of a participatory arts course for people experiencing mental health problems.” Perspectives in Public Health. Vol. 133, No.1, s. 28–35.
  • McKeown, E., Weir, H., Berridge, E., Ellis, L. & Kyratsis, Y. (2016). ”Art engagement and mental health: experiences of service users of a community-based arts programme at Tate Modern, London.” Public Health. 130, s. 29–35.
  • McLean, J. (2011). An Evidence Review of the Impact of Participatory Arts on Older People. Mental Health Foundation.
  • Sapouna, L. & Pamer, E. (2016). The transformative potential of the arts in mental health recovery – an Irish research project. Arts & Health, Vol. 8, No. 1, s. 1-12.
  • Secker, J., Loughran, M., Heydinrych, K. & Kent, L. (2011). ”Promoting mental well-being and social inclusion through art: evaluation of an arts and mental health project.” Arts & Health. Vol. 3, No. 1, s. 51–60.
  • WHO Regional Office for Europe (2013). Health 2020: A European policy framework and strategy for the 21st WHO Europe. Copenhagen.
  • Wilson, C., Secker, J., Kent, L. & Keay, J. (2017). Promoting mental wellbeing and social inclusion through art: six month follow-up results from Open Arts Essex. International Journal of Mental Health Promotion.

Esimerkki: ”Esimerkiksi brittitutkimuksessa, jossa selvitettiin, millaisia psykologisia…”

  • Fancourt, D., Perkins, R., Ascenso, S., Carvalho, L., Steptoe, A. & Williamon, A. (2016). Effects of Group Drumming Interventions on Anxiety, Depression, Social Resilience and Inflammatory Immune Response among Mental Health Service Users. PLoS ONE. Vol. 11, No. 3, s. 1-16.

Nosto: ”Taidetoiminta voi auttaa mielenterveyden ongelmista kärsiviä ihmisiä…”

  • King, R., Neilsen, P. & White, E. (2013). ”Creative writing in recovery from severe mental illness.” International Journal of Mental Health Nursing. Vol. 22, No.5, s. 444–452.
  • Lawson, J., Reynolds, F., Bryant, W. & Wilson, L. (2014). ’It’s like having a day of freedom, a day off from being ill’: Exploring the experiences of people living with mental health problems who attend a community-based arts project, using interpretative phenomenological analysis. Journal of Health Psychology. Vol. 19, No. 6, s. 765-777.
  • Lipe, A., Ward, K., Watson, A., Manley, K., Keen, R., Kelly, J. & Clemmer, J. (2012). ”The effects of an arts intervention program in a community mental health setting: A collaborative approach.” The Arts in Psychotherapy. Vol. 39, No.1, s. 25–30.
  • Sagan, O. (2012). ”Connection and reparation: narratives of art practice in the lives of mental health service users.” Counselling Psychology Quarterly. Vol. 25, No. 3, s. 239–249.
  • Sapouna, L. & Pamer, E. (2016). The transformative potential of the arts in mental health recovery – an Irish research project. Arts & Health. Vol. 8, No. 1, s. 1-12.

 5. Hoitoympäristöt ja hoidon laatu

  • Acai, A., McQueen, S., McKinnon, V. & Sonnadara, R. (2017). Using art for the development of teamwork and communication skills among health professionals: a literature review. Arts & Health. Vol. 9, No. 1, s. 60-72.
  • Daykin, N., Byrne, E., Soteriou, T. & O’Connor, S. (2008). The impact of art, design and environment in mental healthcare: a systematic review of the literature. The Journal of The Royal Society for the Promotion of Health. Vol. 128, No.2, s. 85-94.
  • Goldingay, S., Dieppe, P., Mangan, M. & Marsden, D. (2014). (Re)acting medicine: applying theatre in order to develop a whole-systems approach to understanding the healing response. Research in Drama Education: The Journal of Applied Theatre and Performance. Vol.19, No.3, s. 272-279.
  • Lawson, J., Reynolds, F., Bryant, W. & Wilson, L. (2014). ’It’s like having a day of freedom, a day off from being ill’: Exploring the experiences of people living with mental health problems who attend a community-based arts project, using interpretative phenomenological analysis. Journal of Health Psychology. Vol. 19, No. 6, s. 765-777.
  • Sapouna, L. & Pamer, E. (2016) The transformative potential of the arts in mental health recovery – an Irish research project. Arts & Health. Vol. 8, No. 1, s. 1-12.
  • Sonke et al. (2015). The effects of arts-in-medicine programming on the medical-surgical work environment. Arts & Health. Vol. 7, No. 1, s. 27-41.
  • Staricoff, R.L. (2004). Arts in health: a review of the medical literature. Arts Council England. Research report 36. London. Evidence/Arts_in_health-_a_review_of_the_medical_literature.pdf

6. Työhyvinvointi

  • Acai, A., McQueen, S., McKinnon, V. & Sonnadara, R. (2017). Using art for the development of teamwork and communication skills among health professionals: a literature review. Arts & Health. Vol. 9, No. 1, s. 60-72.
  • Bygren, LO., Weissglas, G., Wikström, B-M., Konlaan; BB., Grjibovski, A., Karlsson, A-B., Andersson, S-O. & Sjöström, M. (2009). Cultural participation and health: A randomized controlled trial among medical care staff. Psychosomatic Medicine. 71, 469-473.
  • Sonke et al. (2015). The effects of arts-in-medicine programming on the medical-surgical work environment. Arts & Health. Vol. 7, No. 1, s. 27-41.
  • Theorell, T., Osika, W., Leineweber, C. et al. (2013). Is cultural activity at work related to mental health in employees? Int Arch Occup Environ Health. Vol. 86, No. 3, s. 281-288.
  • Tuisku, K. & Houni, P. (2015). Experiences of Cultural Activities provided by the Employer in Finland. Nordic Journal of Working Life Studies. Vol. 5, No. 1. s. 115-131.
  • Tuisku, K., Pulkki-Råback, L. & Virtanen, M. (2016). Cultural events provided by employer and occupational wellbeing of employees: A cross-sectional study among hospital nurses. Work 55, s. 93-100.
  • Wilson, C., Bungay, H., Munn-Giddins, C. & Boyce, M. (2016). Healthcare professionals’ perceptions of the value and impact of the arts in healthcare settings: A critical review of literature. International Journal of Nursing Studies 56, s. 90–101.

7. Lääketieteen koulutus

  • Goldingay, S., Dieppe, P., Mangan, M. & Marsden, D. (2014). (Re)acting medicine: applying theatre in order to develop a whole-systems approach to understanding the healing response. Research in Drama Education: The Journal of Applied Theatre and Performance. Vol.19, No.3, s. 272-279.
  • Lake, J., Jackson, L. & Hardman, C. (2015). A fresh perspective on medical education: the lens of the arts. Medical Education. Vol. 49, No. 8, s. 759–772.
  • Staricoff, R.L. (2004). Arts in health: a review of the medical literature. Arts Council England. Research report 36. London.