Cleantech Venture Day 2015

Cleantech Venture Day 2015

Cleantech Venture Day -tapahtumasta on kasvanut pohjoismaisten cleantech-yritysten ja alan sijoittajien suurin tapahtuma, jonka LADEC on järjestänyt vuodesta 2006 alkaen. Cleantech Venture Day-sijoittajatapahtuma on koonnut vuosittain paikalle jopa 60 kansainvälistä sijoittajaa ja jo 161 yritystä on pitsannut tapahtumassa. Tänä vuonna tarjoamme 25:lle yritykselle pitsauspaikan kansainvälisten sijoittajien ja  arvovaltaisen Investor Juryn edessä, parhaat palkitaan!

Puhujakorokkeelle astuu päivän aikana kansainvälisiä talouselämän vaikuttajia ja teema-seminaareissa käsitellään mm. kierto- ja biotaloutta ja perehdytään kotimaisten cleantech-yritysten menestystarinoihin. Iltapäivän seminaarissa Sitran johtava asiantuntija Matti Aistrich johdattelee paneelikeskustelun kiertotalouden mahdollisuuksiin.

Tänä vuonna yhteistyökumppaneita ovat muun muassa Sitra, Cleantech Finland, TEKES, TEM, UPM, FIBAN, NASDAQ yms. Tapahtuman mediayhteistyökumppani on FORBES Suomi.
Kasvuyritykset: pitsauspaikan haku on nyt käynnissä!


08:00 Registration opens 

08:30 – 09:30 Speed-dating Session, Investors and companies 

09:30 – 10:00 Coffee & networking

10:00 – 11:00 Seminar 1. CLEANTECH MEANS BUSINESS!

This theme seminar will highlight the business opportunities and success stories and the secrets behind them. Moderator: Claes Nielsen, Network Manager FIBAN

Welcome to Cleantech Venture Day; Nina Harjula, Head of Development, Cleantech and Venture Programs, LADEC

Keynote: ”No more excuses”; Bruce Oreck, Entrepreneur at heart, Former U.S. Ambassador to Finland

Keynote: “Collaborative Economy – change is inevitable and it is happening through the increasing power of individuals”; Robin Chase, Co-founder and former CEO of Zipcar, Founder of and Veniam

11:10 – 12:10 DEALFLOWS 1 & 2

5 companies pitching in front of the VC Jury  

12:10 – 13:10 Lunch and networking 


This theme seminar opens up the business opportunities in the Circular Economy and Bioeconomy. Smart cities can show an example and create economies of scale and reference cases for new cleantech businesses by setting up ambitious objectives for mitigating their emissions. How to be smart and sustainable and at the same time cope with the megatrends of urbanization, growing consumption and scarce resources. You will know after this session! Moderator: Matti Aistrich, Senior Lead, Finnish Innovation Fund Sitra


City of Paris
Vincent Roumeas, Cleantech Business Development Manager, Paris Region Entreprises

City of Turku
Niko Kyynäräinen, Business Development Director, City of Turku

City of Los Angeles – On a path towards a sustainable City
Fred H. Walti II, Executive Director, Los Angeles Cleantech Incubator & Network for Global Innovation

Panel discussion

What kind of business opportunities do these new trends offer? What kind of products/services and solutions will we see in the future? Where are the markets – and most importantly where is the money going?  Moderator: Howard Jacobs, Professor, University of Tampere

Panelists: Robin Chase, Co-founder and former CEO of Zipcar, Founder of and Veniam; Alain Staron, VP Digital Offers at Veolia; Sirpa Välimaa, Technical Customer Service Manager for dissolving pulp, Stora Enso; Fred H. Walti II, Executive Director, Los Angeles Cleantech Incubator; Niko Kyynäräinen, Business Development Director, City of Turku; Vincent Roumeas, Cleantech Business Development Manager, Paris Region Entreprises 

14:30 – 15:30 DEALFLOWS 3 & 4

5 companies pitching in front of the VC Jury

15:30 – 16:00 Coffee & networking 


Reverse pitching by corporates followed by dealflow companies

E. ON SE, Ines Bergmann, Principal Technology & Innovation / Innovation Scouting & Co-Investments

UPM, Esa Laurinsilta, Director Strategic Partnership  


Cleantech Lounge opens. Let’s enjoy cocktails and Awards for the Best Dealflow Pitches 

19:00 Lahti Symphony Concert. Vasili Sinaiski, conductor and Ilja Gringolts, violin. Remember to reserve your ticket when registering online.

Cleantech lounge serves during the concert break

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